Singapore Endoscopy Cost: How much does it cost?

screening in 2022

A simple definition of the word endoscopy is to investigate inside. Endo in Greek means within and skopein in Greek means to see or observe. The endoscope is a special instrument used by doctors to examine the inside of a body during an endoscopy. Originally, endoscopy was used to examine hollow organs of the digestive system, urinary system, and airways. With advances in technology, doctors have developed special endoscopy cost in singapore that allow them to perform endoscopy in areas of space such as joint arthroscopy and abdominal cavity laparoscopy as technology advances.

Two components make up the endoscopy cost in singapore:

  • A facility fee includes service charges for the ward and nurse, instrument rental charges, medication costs, and test charges, such as histology.
  • An anesthetist may also charge a fee for providing sedation and monitoring the patient during sedation if an endoscopy is performed with the help of a doctor.

A doctor can perform endoscopy in order to see inside the patient in real-time and provide high-resolution color images so as to detect even very small polyps approximately 5mm in size. There is a risk of missing very small polyps on CT scans, and although a polyp is detected, it cannot be removed with CT scans. Therefore, endoscopy provides a more accurate diagnosis and treatment. CT scans, on the other hand, do not carry such risks and may be an alternative to endoscopy for certain patients. These include injury to the intestine perforation.

Before an endoscopy, why should you avoid drinking water?

Since endoscopy usually involves some form of sedation, we suggest our patients fast for approximately 6 hours prior to their procedure. In general, plain water can be consumed in small amounts, especially if the patient is taking regular medications for high blood pressure, etc. However, at least two hours before the endoscopy, the patient should not drink any water. In the 4 hours leading up to the endoscopy, milk should not be fed to the patient.